Dimensions 10 Ltd is an Illinois State Corporation in good standing, specifically formed as an umbrella company operating as a Faith Based Christian Ministry in a For-Profit business environment.
Gaetano Apa, President/CEO, had a dream that turned into a vision 27 years ago; to engage Central Illinois Christian communities in creating a network for blending resources to needs while applying Biblical standards to the fulfillment of the networking. Some of the resources used to fill the needs grew into service companies. It became clear that these service companies needed to be managed under an umbrella corporation. This resulted in the creation of Dimensions 10 Ltd in 2002. Kathy Linder Lichtenstein Apa was appointed as the Vice President (VP) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in 2021. On December 4, 2023 Dimensions 10 LTD acquired Christian Yellow Pages. The vision has grown into a national campaign through the network of Christian Yellow Pages (a 35 year old Christian Business Directory company).
Explore resources to find an efficient and helpful means to an end by blending available resources to individual/company needs. This is best aided by utilizing the networking capabilities of Christian leaders and maintaining an attitude of applying Biblical standards and principles to the practice of networking and to the processes of rendering each other's service in the marketplace.
Driving Force
Psalm 127:1