Dimensions 10 LTD
Dimensions 10 LTD provides services through the Doing Business As (DBA) listed below. Each is a stand alone company providing a specialized and specific set of services. These services are rendered and supported up by a team that's fully engaged, dedicated, educated, and experienced in their specific fields. As a whole, Dimensions 10 LTD is a Faith Based Ministry Business managing for profit Kingdom Building Ventures and Projects.

Potter's Network
Christian Business Networking, Forum Groups - Open & Private, Blend Unite Equip, Member Driven

Potter's Graphics
Robust graphic design services with an "Old school, New tools" approach, including creation of brochures, website designs, logos, internet images, etc.

QuickSites Agency
Small businesses NEED online websites for credibility. Don't spend more than you need to on yours - new or redesigned. QuickSites Agency is results oriented with the latest technology, superior quality local service, at very affordable pricing!!!

Biz Cost Cutting
A straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to saving your business/organization money. Our services are FREE until we find solutions to saving your organization money.